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Thanks for reaching out!

I would love to work with you, whether it be as your flute teacher, through your school’s flute or woodwind section, or for a recital. Make sure to visit my About Page to learn all you need to know about what I do and my journey!

Alternatively, you can send me an e-mail directly if any attachments are needed along with your message. My e-mail address is

I'm usually busy lying in the sun or watching cat videos (only half joking), but I will make sure to answer you within 48 hours!

Caitlin Berger Flute Contact Page.JPG
Contact Form
Image by Matthias Mullie
For private lessons, do you prefer:
How did you hear about me?

Success! Can't wait to work with you!


Hi, I'm Caitlin! I'm a flutist and flute teacher in Montreal, QC, Canada (specifically NDG). I offer lessons online and in person. I also perform in solo and chamber ensemble recitals, and share resources and knowledge via my blog and social media.

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Salut, je m'appelle Caitlin! Je suis une flûtiste et professeure de flûte à Montréal, QC, Canada (NDG en particulier). J'offre des leçons en ligne et en personne. Je joue également dans des récitals solos et de musique de chambre, et je partage des ressources éducatives via mon blog et les réseaux sociaux.

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  • Spotify
  • iTunes
  • YouTube
  • Bandcamp
Caitlin Berger logo just CB with pink swatch behind the black text

© 2025 Caitlin Berger Flute | All rights reserved
Website template by NR Media
Photography by Runa Shuda


I acknowledge that I am situated in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal, on the traditional territory of the St. Lawrence Iroquoians, the Kanien kehá꞉ka, and the Haudenosaunee tribes and nations. Please visit to find out more about the land you live on.

© 2025 Caitlin Berger Flute | Tous droits réservés
Modèle par NR Media
Photographie par Runa Shuda


Je reconnais que je suis située à Tiohtià: ke / Montréal, sur le territoire traditionnel des tribus et nations des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent, des Kanien kehá꞉ka et des Haudenosaunee. Veuillez visiter pour en savoir plus sur la terre sur laquelle vous vivez.

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